Measurement Specialties Computer Hardware PMD 1024HLS User Manual |
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HM PMD-1024HLS.doc
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introducing the PMD-1024HLS.........................................................................................................1-1
PMD-1024HLS block diagram....................................................................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2
Installing the PMD-1024HLS.............................................................................................................2-1
Chapter 3
Functional Details..............................................................................................................................3-1
Power terminals............................................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Counter terminal............................................................................................................................................................ 3-5
Chapter 4
Specifications ....................................................................................................................................4-1
Counter section............................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Power.............................................................................................................................................................. 4-2
About this User's Guide
What you will learn from this user's guide
This user's guide explains how to install, configure, and use the PMD-1024HLS so that you get the most
out of its USB digital I/O features.
This user's guide also refers you to related documents available on our web site, and to technical support
resources that can also help you get the most out of your PMD-1024HLS.
Conventions in this user's guide
For more information on …
Text presented in a box signifies additional information and helpful hints related to the subject matter you
are reading.
Caution! Shaded caution statements present information to help you avoid injuring yourself and
others, damaging your hardware, or losing your data.
Angle brackets that enclose numbers separated by a colon signify a range of numbers, such as those
assigned to registers, bit settings, etc.
bold text
Bold text is used for the names of objects on the screen, such as buttons, text boxes, and check
boxes. For example:
1. Insert the disk or CD and click the OK button.
italic text
Italic text is used for the names of manuals and help topic titles, and to emphasize a word or phrase.
For example:
ƒ Never touch the exposed pins or circuit connections on the board
Where to find more information
The following electronic documents provide information that can help you get the most out of your
Personal Measurement Device™ brand PMD-1024HLS.
MCC's Specifications: PMD-1024HLS (the PDF version of Chapter 4 in this guide) is available on
MCC's DAQ Software Quick Start is available on our web site at
MCC's Guide to Signal Connections is available on our web site at
MCC's Universal Library User's Guide is available on our web site at
MCC's Universal Library Function Reference is available on our web site at
MCC's Universal Library for LabVIEW™ User’s Guide is available on our web site at
The PMD-1024HLS User’s Guide (this document) is available on our web site at
Chapter 1
Introducing the PMD-1024HLS
This user's guide contains all of the information you need to connect the PMD-1024HLS to your
computer and to the signals you want to measure. The PMD-1024HLS is part of the Personal
Measurement Device brand of USB-based data acquisition products.
The PMD-1024HLS is a USB 2.0 low-speed module supported under Microsoft® Windows® 98 (2nd
edition), Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Window XP. It is designed for USB 1.1 ports, and was tested
for full compatibility with both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 ports.
Refer to the "Be sure you are using the latest system software" note in Chapter 2, "Installing the PMD-
1024HLS," to make sure you are using the latest USB drivers.
The PMD-1024HLS is a high drive, 24-line digital I/O module that includes one 32-bit external event
counter. The PMD-1024HLS is powered by the +5 volt USB supply from your computer. No external
power is required.
An emulation of the 82C55 in mode 0 (only) sets the direction of the 24 digital I/O lines in four ports.
Each digital port can be configured for either input or output. The 74FCT244 outputs are high-drive TTL,
capable of sourcing 15 mA and sinking 64 mA.
The PMD-1024HLS is shown in Figure 1-1. All I/O connections are made to the screw terminals on each
side of the PMD-1024HLS.
Figure 1-1. PMD-1024HLS
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Introducing the PMD-1024HLS
PMD-1024HLS block diagram
PMD-1024HLS functions are illustrated in the block diagram shown here.
USB 2.0
event counter
1 channel
Port A
Port B
Discrete, low-
power drivers
Port C Port C
Screw terminal I/O connector
Figure 1-2. PMD-1024HLS functional block diagram
Software features
The following software ships with the PMD-1024HLS free of charge.
InstaCal installation, calibration, and test utility
TracerDAQ™ suite of virtual instruments
SoftWIRE® for Visual Studio® .NET graphical programming
MCC DAQ Components for VS .NET (installed with SoftWIRE® for VS .NET)
For information on the features of InstaCal, TracerDAQ, and SoftWIRE, refer to the DAQ Software
Quick Start booklet that shipped with the PMD-1024HLS.
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Introducing the PMD-1024HLS
Connecting a PMD-1024HLS to your computer is easy
Installing a data acquisition device has never been easier.
The PMD-1024HLS relies upon the Microsoft Human Interface Device (HID) class drivers. The HID
class drivers ship with every copy of Windows that is designed to work with USB ports. We use the
Microsoft HID because it is a standard, and its performance delivers full control and maximizes data
transfer rates for your PMD-1024HLS. No third-party device driver is required.
The PMD-1024HLS is plug-and-play. There are no jumpers to position, DIP switches to set, or
interrupts to configure.
You can connect the PMD-1024HLS before or after you install the software, and without powering
down your computer first. When you connect an HID to your system, your computer automatically
detects it and configures the necessary software. You can connect and power multiple HID
peripherals to your system using a USB hub.
You can connect your system to various devices using a standard four-wire cable. The USB
connector replaces the serial and parallel port connectors with one standardized plug and port
You do not need a separate power supply module. The USB automatically delivers the electrical
power required by each peripheral connected to your system.
Data can flow two ways between a computer and peripheral over USB connections.
Chapter 2
Installing the PMD-1024HLS
What comes with your PMD-1024HLS shipment?
As you unpack your PMD-1024HLS, make sure that the following components are included.
USB cable (2 meter length)
The Measurement Computing Data Acquisition Software CD contains the following software:
InstaCal installation, calibration, and test utility
TracerDAQ suite of virtual instruments
SoftWIRE for VS .NET
SoftWIRE MCC DAQ Components for .NET
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Installing the PMD-1024HLS
In addition to this hardware user's guide, you should also receive the DAQ Software Quick Start
completely before installing any software and hardware.
Unpacking the PMD-1024HLS
As with any electronic device, you should take care while handling to avoid damage from static
electricity. Before removing the PMD-1024HLS from its packaging, ground yourself using a wrist strap
or by simply touching the computer chassis or other grounded object to eliminate any stored static charge.
If any components are missing or damaged, notify Measurement Computing Corporation immediately by
phone, fax, or e-mail. For international customers, contact your local distributor where you purchased the
Phone: 508-946-5100 and follow the instructions for reaching Tech Support.
Fax: 508-946-9500 to the attention of Tech Support
Installing the software
Refer to the DAQ Software Quick Start for instructions on installing the software on the Measurement
Computing Data Acquisition Software CD. This booklet is available in PDF at
Installing the hardware
Be sure you are using the latest system software
Before you connect the PMD-1024HLS, make sure that you are using the latest versions of the USB
Before installing the PMD-1024HLS, download and install the latest Microsoft Windows updates. In
particular, when using Windows XP, make sure you have XP Hotfix KB822603 installed. This update is
intended to address a serious error in Usbport.sys when you operate a USB device. You can run Windows
Update or download the update from
56a0-4956-b7fe-e85b688b7f86&displaylang=en. For more information, refer to the Microsoft
Knowledge Base article "Availability of the Windows XP SP1 USB 1.1 and 2.0 update." This article is
To connect the PMD-1024HLS to your system, turn your computer on, and connect the USB cable to a
USB port on your computer or to an external USB hub that is connected to your computer. The USB
cable provides power and communication to the PMD-1024HLS.
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Installing the PMD-1024HLS
When you connect the PMD-1024HLS for the first time, a Found New Hardware popup balloon
(Windows XP) or dialog (other Windows versions) appear as the PMD-1024HLS is detected.
Another Found New Hardware balloon or dialog opens that identifies the PMD-1024HLS as a USB
Human Interface Device.
When the balloon or dialog closes, the LED on the PMD-1024HLS should flash and then remain lit. This
indicates that communication is established between the PMD-1024HLS and your computer
Caution! Do not disconnect any device from the USB bus while the computer is communicating with
the PMD-1024HLS, or you may lose data and/or your ability to communicate with the
If the LED turns off
If the LED is lit but then turns off, the computer has lost communication with the PMD-1024HLS. To
restore communication, disconnect the USB cable from the computer, and then reconnect it. This should
restore communication, and the LED should turn back on.
Chapter 3
Functional Details
External components
The PMD-1024HLS has the following external components, as shown in Figure 3-1.
USB connector
Screw terminal banks (2)
Screw terminal
pins 1 to 20
Screw terminal
pins 21 to 40
Figure 3-1. PMD-1024HLS external components
USB connector
The USB connector is on the right side of the PMD-1024HLS housing. This connector provides +5 V
power and communication. The voltage output is system-dependent, and may be less than +5 V. No
external power supply is required.
The LED on the front of the housing indicates the communication status of the PMD-1024HLS. It uses up
Table 3-1 LED illumination
LED Illumination
Steady green
The PMD-1024HLS is connected to a computer or external USB hub.
Data is being transferred.
Blinks continuously
Blinks three times
Initial communication is established between the PMD-1024HLS and the computer.
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Functional Details
Screw terminal wiring
The PMD-1024HLS has two rows of screw terminals—one row on the top edge of the housing, and one
row on the bottom edge. Each row has 20 connections. Pin numbers are identified here.
Figure 3-2. PMD-1024HLS screw terminal pin numbers
Screw terminal – pins 1-20
The screw terminals on the top edge of the PMD-1024HLS (pins 1 to 20) provide the following
Eight digital I/O connections (Port C0 to Port C7)
One counter connection (CTR)
Two power connections (USB +5 V)
Three pull-up and pull-down connections (Port A Pull-up/Pull-down, Port B Pull-up/Pull-down and
Port C Pull-up/Pull-down)
Six ground connections (GND)
Screw terminal – pins 21-40
The screw terminals on the bottom edge of the PMD-1024HLS (pins 21 to 40) provide the following
16 digital I/O connections (Port A0 to Port A7, and Port B0 to Port B7)
One power connection (USB +5 V)
Three ground connections (GND)
Main connector and pin out
Connector type
Screw terminal
Wire gauge range
16 AWG to 30 AWG
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Functional Details
Digital I/O terminals (Port A0 to A7, Port B0 to B7, Port C0 to C7)
Connect up to 24 digital I/O lines to the screw terminal containing pins 1 to 8 (Port C0 to Port C7), pins
21 to 28 (Port A0 to Port A7), and pins 32 to 39, (Port B0 to Port B7). Refer to the pinout diagram on
page 3-2 for the location of these pins. You can configure each digital port for either input or output.
When configured for input, you can use the PMD-1024HLS digital I/O terminals to detect the state of any
TTL level input. Refer to the switch shown in Figure 3-3 and the schematic shown in Figure 3-4. If you
set the switch to the +5 V input, Port A0 reads TRUE (1). If you move the switch to GND, Port A0 reads
Figure 3-3. Digital connection of Port A0 detecting the state of a switch
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Functional Details
Port A0
+5 V
Figure 3-4. Schematic showing switch detection by digital channel Port A0
For more information on digital signal connections
For more information on digital signal connections and digital I/O techniques, refer to the Guide to Signal
Power terminals
The USB +5 V connection (pin 30) is on the bottom screw terminal of the PMD-1024HLS. Refer to the
pinout diagram on page 3-2 for the location of this terminal. This terminal draws power from the USB
connector. The +5 volt screw terminal is a +5 volt output that is supplied by the connected computer.
Caution! The USB +5 V terminal is an output. Do not connect to an external power supply or you
may damage the PMD-1024HLS and possibly the computer.
Just connecting the PMD-1024HLS to your computer draws 60 mA of current from the USB +5 V
supply. Once you start running applications with the PMD-1024HLS, each DIO bit can draw up to
15 mA. The maximum amount of +5 V current available for external use, over and above that required by
the PMD-1024HLS, is the difference between the total current requirement of the PMD-1024HLS (based
on the application), and the allowed current draw of the computer platform.
The following power limits depend on whether you are sourcing current out of the PMD-1024HLS, or
you are sinking current into the PMD-1024HLS.
Output (source) current limits: desktop computers and self-powered hubs
The maximum allowed current draw for a typical desktop computer and self-powered hub is 500 mA. For
an application running on a PC or self-powered hub, this value yields a maximum user current of 500 mA
− 60 mA = 440 mA. Since each DIO line can output 15 mA maximum, 24 DIO × 15 mA = 360 mA
(maximum rating for the chips).
Output (source) current limits: notebook computers and bus-powered hubs
The maximum allowed current draw for a typical notebook computer and bus-powered hub is 100 mA.
Because the PMD-1024HLS needs 60 mA from the USB +5 V supply, this leaves you with only 40 mA.
If you want to use 15 mA per DIO line, you can only do so with two DIO lines. To overcome this
limitation, an external self-powered hub can be used to supply the proper current level required for full
output capability as noted above.
Output (sink) current limits
Each PMD-1024HLS DIO output can sink up to 64 mA. For an individual line, this is not a problem. But
if you were to apply this maximum load to all 24 DIO lines, you would damage the PMD-1024HLS
because the total amount of current is well over the 440 mA maximum (24 DIO × 64 mA = 1536 mA ≈
1.54 A).
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Functional Details
If you want to sink the maximum of 64 mA per DIO line, you can only do so with up to six lines (440 mA
÷ 64 mA/line = 6.8 ≈ 6 lines). To sink current with all 24 DIO outputs at any one time, you can sink a
maximum of 18 mA per line.
Ground terminals
The nine ground (GND) connections are identical, and provide a common ground for all PMD-1024HLS
Counter terminal
Pin 20 (CTR) is the input to the 32-bit external event counter. Refer to the pinout diagram on page 3-2
for the location of this terminal. The internal counter increments when the TTL levels transition from low
to high. The counter can count frequencies of up to 1 MHz.
Pull-up/pull-down terminals
You can wire pin 11 (Port C Pull-up/Pull-down), pin 13 (Port B Pull-up/Pull-down), and pin 15 (Port
A Pull-up/Pull-down) to support a pull-up or pull-down connection. These terminals configure the
internal 47K resistors on the PMD-1024HLS.
configured as open by default.
To configure a pull-up connection for a specific port, wire the pull-up/pull-down terminal to a
USB +5 V terminal.
Figure 3-5. Pull-up connection for Port A
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Functional Details
To configure a pull-down connection for a specific port, wire the pull-up/pull-down terminal to a
GND terminal.
Figure 3-6. Pull-down connection for Port A
Wiring schematics are shown here for each pull-up/pull-down terminal. Dotted lines represent a pull-
up or pull-down connection.
USB +5 V
DIO 0 (Port A0)
DIO 1 (Port A1)
DIO 2 (Port A2)
Pin 15
DIO 3 (Port A3)
DIO 4 (Port A4)
DIO 5 (Port A5)
Port A
DIO 6 (Port A6)
DIO 7 (Port A7)
Figure 3-7. Schematic showing Port A pull-up/pull-down wiring options
USB +5 V
DIO 0 (Port B0)
DIO 1 (Port B1)
DIO 2 (Port B2)
Pin 13
DIO 3 (Port B3)
DIO 4 (Port B4)
DIO 5 (Port B5)
Port B
DIO 6 (Port B6)
DIO 7 (Port B7)
Figure 3-8. Schematic showing Port B pull-up/pull-down wiring options
USB +5 V
DIO 0 (Port C0)
DIO 1 (Port C1)
DIO 2 (Port C2)
Pin 11
DIO 3 (Port C3)
DIO 4 (Port C4)
DIO 5 (Port C5)
Port C
DIO 6 (Port C 6)
DIO 7 (Port C7)
Figure 3-9. Schematic showing Port C pull-up/pull-down wiring options
Chapter 4
Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise specified. Specifications in italic text are guaranteed by design.
Digital input/output
Table 4-1. Digital I/O specifications
Digital input type
Digital output type
Number of I/O
24 (port A0 through port C7)
2 banks of 8 and 2 banks of 4 or
3 banks of 8
Pull up/pull-down configuration
Internal 47K resistors may be user configured for pull-up or pull-down via
external connection of "Port x Pull-up / Pull-down" to "USB +5 V" or
"GND". Ports A, B, and C are independently configurable.
Input high voltage
Input low voltage
2.0 V min, 5.5 V absolute max
0.8 V max, –0.5 V absolute min
Output high voltage (IOH = -15 mA) 2.4 V min
Output low voltage (IOL=64 mA)
Source current – (Note 1)
ƒ Self -powered hub
0.55 V max
Maximum = 15 mA per output
ƒ Externally-powered root port hub
Source current – (Note 2)
ƒ Bus-powered hub
Per pin maximum = 40 mA/ [number of active outputs].
15 mA max source current for any single output
ƒ Battery-powered root port hub.
Sink current - (Note 3)
Current sink max: 440 mA/ [number of outputs].
64 mA max sink current for any single output.
Input mode (high impedance)
Power up/reset state
Note 1: "Self-powered hub" refers to a USB hub with an external power supply. Self-powered hubs
allow a connected USB device to draw up to 500 mA. "Root port hubs" reside in the PC’s USB
Host Controller. The USB port(s) on your PC are root port hubs. All externally powered root port
hubs (i.e. desktop PC’s) provide up to 500 mA of current for a USB device. In this configuration,
all 24 digital outputs of the PMD-1024HLS can source their per-pin maximum of 15 mA. This
provides a total requirement of 15 mA*24 = 360 mA. Combining this with the PMD-1024HLS
operating current of 60 mA a fully-loaded current draw of 420 mA is realized.
Note 2: "Bus-powered hub" refers to a USB hub that derives power directly from the USB +5 V
and does not have its own power supply. These hubs allow a connected USB device to
draw up to 100 mA. Battery-powered root port hubs provide 100 mA or 500 mA,
depending upon the manufacturer. A laptop PC that is not connected to an external power
adapter is an example of a battery-powered root port hub. If your laptop is constrained to
the 100 mA maximum you have two options when using a PMD-1024HLS. In order to
take advantage of the full drive capability of 15 mA per pin you will need to purchase a
self-powered hub. Otherwise the total output drive must be de-rated. When de-rated, the
total available source current for the digital outputs is the difference between the unloaded
operating current of the PMD-1024HLS (60 mA) and the 100 mA overall maximum.
Note 3: A low-side resettable fuse protects the PMD-1024HLS. This is designed to protect the host
PC or hub from an over current condition. Assuming all return currents in sinking
applications return via the USB cable ground signal, the maximum allowable return current
is 500 mA. Please include the PMD-1024HLS unloaded operating current (60 mA) in your
power budget.
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Counter section
Table 4-2. Counter specifications
Pin name (Note 4)
Counter type
Event counter
Number of channels
Input source
CTR screw terminal
32 bits
Schmidt trigger hysteresis
Input leakage current
Maximum input frequency
High pulse width
Low pulse width
20 mV to 100 mV
±1 µA
1 MHz
500 ns min
500 ns min
Input low voltage
Input high voltage
0 V min, 1.0 V max
4.0 V min, 15.0 V max
Note 4: CTR is a Schmitt trigger input
Table 4-3. Power specifications
Supply current (Note 5)
No Load
60 mA
Input power requirements
(Note 6)
4.75 V min, 5.25 V max
USB +5 V power available
Measured at “USB +5 V” screw terminals
(pins 10,14 and 30)
4.4 V min, 5.25 V max
USB +5 V power output
current (Note 7)
Connected to:
ƒ Self-powered hub
[350 mA] – [total output source
ƒ Externally-powered root port hub
Connected to
[60 mA] – [total output source
ƒ Bus-powered hub
ƒ Battery-powered root port hub.
Resettable fuse
USB +5 V overcurrent
Hold current: 350 mA, typical
Trip current: 700 mA typical
Trip/recovery time: 100 mS, max
On resistance: 1.3 Ohms max
Note 5: This is the total (no load) current requirement for the PMD-1024HLS.
Note 6: Bus-powered hubs are allowed to provide downstream USB power as low as 4.4 V.
Although your PMD-1024HLS will typically function at this 4.4 V minimum, guaranteed
performance requires a minimum power supply voltage of 4.75 V. All self-powered and
root port hubs will meet this 4.75 V minimum.
Note 7: See available source/sink current level in the "Digital input/output" section.
PMD-1024HLS User's Guide
Table 4-4. General specifications
USB controller clock error
25 °C
±30 ppm max
0 to 70 °C
±50 ppm max
Device type
USB 1.1 low-speed
USB 1.1, USB 2.0
Device compatibility
Table 4-5. Environmental specifications
Operating temperature range
Storage temperature range
0 to 70 °C
-40 to 85 °C
0 to 90% non-condensing
Table 4-6. Mechanical specifications
79 mm (L) x 82 mm (W) x 25 mm (H)
USB cable Length
USB cable type
2 meters max
A-B cable, UL type AWM 2527 or equivalent. (min 24 AWG VBUS/GND,
min 28 AWG D+/D-)
User connection length
3 meters max
Main connector and pin out
Table 4-7. Connector specifications
Connector type
Screw terminal
30-16 AWG
Wire gauge range
Table 4-8. Connector pin out
Signal Name
Port C0
Port C1
Port C2
Port C3
Port C4
Port C5
Port C6
Port C7
USB +5 V
Port C Pull-up / Pull-down
Signal Name
Port A0
Port A1
Port A2
Port A3
Port A4
Port A5
Port A6
Port A7
USB +5 V
Port B0
Port B1
Port B2
Port B3
Port B4
Port B5
Port B6
Port B7
Port B Pull-up / Pull-down
USB +5 V
Port A Pull-up / Pull-down
Declaration of Conformity
Measurement Computing Corporation
16 Commerce Boulevard
Middleboro, MA 02346
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.
Measurement Computing Corporation declares under sole responsibility that the product
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the relevant provisions of the following standards
or other documents:
EU EMC Directive 89/336/EEC: Electromagnetic Compatibility, EN 61326 (1997) Amendment 1
Emissions: Group 1, Class A
EN 55011 (1998)/CISPR 11: Radiated and Conducted emissions.
Immunity: EN61326, Annex A
EN 61000-4-2 (1995): Electrostatic Discharge immunity, Criteria C.
EN 61000-4-3 (1997): Radiated Electromagnetic Field immunity Criteria A.
EN 61000-4-8 (1995): Power Frequency Magnetic Field immunity Criteria A.
Power line and I/O tests to EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, and EN61000-4-11 were not
required. The device is DC powered from an I/O cable which is less than three meters long.
Declaration of Conformity based on tests conducted by Chomerics Test Services, Woburn, MA 01801,
USA in June, 2004. Test records are outlined in Chomerics Test Report #EMI3902.04.
We hereby declare that the equipment specified conforms to the above Directives and Standards.
Carl Haapaoja, Vice-President of Design Verification
Measurement Computing Corporation
16 Commerce Boulevard,
Middleboro, Massachusetts 02346
(508) 946-5100
Fax: (508) 946-9500
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